Alternative Investments
As newton’s third law states, “what goes up must come down” all economic assets depreciate & Appreciate in their value and with Covid 19 investor portfolios have lost a great deal of value in a short period of time, You as an Investor as very little control in the outcome. All you can do is switch portfolios with the help of an advisor and hope you get it right. But with rare earth elements like diamond, gold and silver to name a few, These physical commodities retains their value over centuries and continue to grow in value till today. Diamond, Gold & Silver these commodities when used for investment purposes are considered as an alternative investments or real commodity asset class investment and the exceptions. Unlike other physical assets, these assets are reliable and stable. These real commodity asset class investments are inflation-proof, in fact their price appreciated in dire economic situations due to investors moving their hard earned wealth from other investment portfolios in buying and holding diamonds for minimum period of time . These are not new Investment opportunities since individuals and even empires have been saving their assets in the form of rare earth commodities for centuries. However, from all the assets in the real commodity asset class. There is one that is not determined by the stock market and is economically failure proof and that is Gem Quality Diamonds. Diamonds are Small in size but high value, easy to transport and sell anywhere in the world, Been rust and corrosion-free are the significant advantages of investing in diamonds, Above all, Gem quality diamonds this real commodity investment is physically beautiful and make’s the most simplest women heart melt with excitement, The fact that you can also keep diamonds on yourself, On your property in a safe, or in safety deposit box in a vault with your bank or private safe deposit box service company. The ability for you to be able to wear your wealth and show case to others is unlike any other. There is no other investment that give you that opportunity and satisfaction of wearing your wealth then investment diamonds. Diamonds give you a more psychological effect of satisfaction and feeling financial safe and confident.

Invest In Diamonds
Adding loose polished diamonds to your portfolio is the best and secure strategy to diversify your investment portfolio, Into the real commodity asset class investments sector. Most people consider investing in stocks and shares and believe this is the only way to invest. But currently, the Covid-19 epidemic has forced many businesses to Financial Loss & Ruin and affected their share prices, making the stock investment sector shakier and riskier than ever before. The impact of covid 19 pandemic is expected to last for many years to come. Which gives no certainty for positive results for stock and share investment portfolios. Investing in the real commodity asset class has been considered as a last investment alternative by the middle income. But a priority Investment model pursued by high income and high net worth individuals. The investment into diamonds is a minimum risk investment, which is true but not believed by many who lack knowledge about investing in diamonds. Recently the surge in loose polished diamond prices have been at an all-time high, and the prices are continuously rising. Due to the scare of the pandemic and negative currency movement against the US Dollar. More investors want to secure their wealth in US Dollar form. Diamonds are traded International only in US Dollar Form which led to the surge in loose polished Diamond sales.
Where every other commodity price is fluctuating, these rare earth substances are always getting costly. Among new Investment opportunities, buying loose diamonds on sale is the best and wisest decision you can make. Diamonds are the most rigid material known to man, and this commodity is a durable, transportable, and liquid alternative investment.

Why are diamonds expensive?
There are several factors responsible for the high price of diamonds. First, diamonds are rare in nature, and they are difficult to mine. Diamond is the strongest element on earth, so they are difficult to cut, and the technology is not accessible to all for cutting and polishing. Not all diamonds are mined to meet the requirements to go for jewelry, and most of the mined diamond pieces are rejected for jewelry pieces, so they are short in supply compared to their market demand. Globally the diamond price is controlled by the supply-limited business model. There are few companies in the world supplying diamonds. These shiny, glittering stones are not just used for jewelry. They are also used in industry, medical and audio equipment. It is the strength and other properties like thermal conductivity, thermal resistance, electrical insulation, corrosion, and pressure resistance, where no other metal or material comes closer to diamonds. Due to their durability, toughness and resistance, diamonds are used in cutting, grinding, and drilling equipment. Because of their utilization in diverse areas, there is always an enormous gap between supply and demand in the diamond market, making diamonds so expensive and keeping their price stable.
Gem Quality Diamonds used for investments and jewelry purposes make up to about 20% of the total diamonds recuperated from a mine. Thus, making it so rare and expensive.

Can anyone buy a diamond?
The hype created by the marketing and advertisement agencies and the myths attached by the cultures made diamonds mysterious. It is thought that only professionals equipped with many years of training and expertise can buy and sell diamonds. But the information technology revolution has revamped all businesses, and the diamond market has also been transformed. Today it is not difficult anymore to find reliable diamonds for sale according to budget and investment capacity. Over the internet, you can scan and compare diamond for in Sale South Africa to diamond for sale United States in few minutes. Buyers can choose from half carat to 5 carat diamonds for sale according to available budget and term for investment. Be advised! The value of a loose polished diamond is not determined simply from its weight. You will need the understand the minimum knowledge explained below while making a purchase either online or at the store.
The four Cs you need to know before buying a diamond:
Before making a diamond purchase, you need to know the basic 4Cs that determine the diamond piece’s value, namely cut, color, clarity, and carat weight. The cut is the trickiest part, and the brilliance or shine depends on the type of cut. Depending upon the shape and design of the jewelry, each piece will have its cut and geometry. Diamond color follows the rule of lesser the better. More transparent diamonds are rare and have a high price as compared to colored ones. The third C is the clarity which determines the flawlessness and can be determined by gemmologist grading. The fourth C is carat weight calculated from the size. But do not forget that the price of a diamond is not solely relying on its weight or size. This means two different diamonds stones of the same carat weight can have a different price if they vary in other aspects. Reading can make these Cs make you skeptical about visiting loose polished diamonds for sale. But let us clear here, this market is one of the most organized and tightly regulated. Each aspect of this industry is scientifically established and not left to determine by sheer human judgment. The precisely defined grading systems and empirically determined criteria are used to evaluate the price of diamond stones. The authorized retailers provide certificates and official evaluations of each stone to customers that eliminate doubts and ambiguity.

Why buy loose polished diamonds?
From alternative investments point of view, loose diamonds for sale are the best option compared to jewelry. With the flexibility, the lowest chance of damage and the potential to be used in different shapes, Loose polished diamonds are excellent Real commodity asset class investments. These gems are solid investments and guarantee a high-profit return. The additional benefit of purchasing loosed polished diamonds is the negotiable prices. As a new investor, your critical focus should be on buy-back value and should be determined at the time of purchase. Usually, for small investors, 95% of the current market value return is the norm. But the return is high in the case of larger stones. That is why the 5 Carat diamonds for sale are strongly advised.

Where to buy loose polished diamonds?
BOJ Diamonds Is a Gem Quality Diamond Dealing Company. With their offices in South Africa and United States, BOJ is operating in Dubai, India, South Africa, United States, United Kingdom and can export to 132 countries. The company is supplying diamonds stock to jewelry manufacturing companies, diamond dealers, jewelers, affluent clients & retail clients. BOJ’s loose polished diamonds line is exclusively oriented towards investment purpose for affluent & retail clientele where they can secure their wealth with peace of mind.